Thursday, August 15, 2019

How is it possible to get CPD units in the Philippines for a new CPA?

  1. Attending
    1. Get yourself registered in your local PICPA Chapter. They will ask for a membership fee and some personal information like you contact no. and email address. They’ll keep you posted if they’ll be conducting seminars
    2. You can also contact audit firms who conduct seminars (SGV, Punongbayan, etc.) and ask for their schedule of seminars. They would be more than happy to accomodate you.
  2. Being a speaker
    1. You need to comply with a lot of requirements (CPD, years practicing, BoA Accreditation, etc.) for you to do this one. Since you’re new, I won’t delve on this.
  3. Facilitating
    1. If you’re in public practice and your firm is conducting seminars, you can earn CPD unit just by facilitating the seminar. This is different from being a speaker - facilitators are the ones in the sidelines helping out in ensuring the seminar is conducted as it should be.

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